Saturday, November 29, 2008

meet Taku-kun

He's a shinai, made out of bamboo and leather.
He smells nice, just like Kendo.
I like him already. 
I hope he likes me too. 

Friday, November 28, 2008

Love of mine, someday you will die

My mac has been a source of such misery that i have to advise people to stay away.

It's awful, especially for those whose life was very-very PC (no i dont mean politically correct)

I have a migraine because of my bloody mac.

It's fine if you're happy to overhaul everything, used conversion programs for all your files so you can watch things and buy new, shiny, mac compatible equipment.

The very pc world dont like rebels.

Unprepared rebels like me get migraines, tears and fights with their dads because of the stupidity of mac.

I stay unconverted- gimme my pc back.

By the way, the title was the video i was struggling with- imovie is as evil as.....evil

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Inspirasi minggu ini: SO7 Pejantan Tangguh

Jadikan aku cewek terhebat!!

Minggu ini diilhamkan oleh Ben Gibbard yang kini kurus, svelte dan oh-so-cool.

Lagu-lagu Sheila on 7 memberi semangat untuk bekerja keras dan mencapai cita-cita

SO7 reminds me a little like DCFC- dua-duanya band indie, tema lagu-lagunya sama: love, relationships, living life dan also member kedua-dua band agak nerd gitu, tidaklah macam super good looking atau super-kakkoii, down to earth dan relate-able.

Kedua-dua nama band juga agak wierd. Pelik, tapi chomel.

Mungkin SO7 lebih sikit happy dan pop berbanding DCFC.

Apa-apa pun, saya 'heart' dua-dua band!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

i should be studying

Instead im designing my shinai bag (yes, i've ordered one, it's arriving this week, yeay!)

A pertinent question

How much do you love cupcakes?
Would you tattoo them on your body?

Check these ladies out (im assuming they're ladies, men with cupcake tattoos, i apologize)

Cupcake tattoos- dont forget to click next, there's so many good ones!

Tarot card readings

I find tarot card readings are a good way to gain insight into whatever situation im in. Sometimes they give me hope, i tend to choose to believe the more favourable ones.

I doubt a deck of cards can give me answers i need- but they might be able to show me the way.

The best picks of today's reading-

A showoff. An imposter. An overly confident actress. A drama queen. A spoiled woman who whines and enjoys the sound of her own voice. Pretension.

Dreams. A fertile imagination. Numerous and sometimes conflicting desires. Dreaming up options. Window shopping for paths and goals. Bemused and confused by the possibilities of options. Realization of a long shot. Surprises. Humour, thrills, and vision.

Animal impulse and instinct. Primal knowledge. Tension between order and chaos. Reconciling the cultured vs. natural state of being. The wisdom of the subconscious making its influence felt via one's appetites and aversions.

Well, i would say that's a very favourable reading. My question was pretty specific, but i felt the answer is referring to my life at the moment, which is going off-kilter. My world is spinning so slowly that it's losing it's gravitational pull and falling off it's axis. Bits are falling out left right and centre, but i am scarily calm. I worry for a moment, panic for a bit, but i sleep well at night. I hope the cards are showing a change in my attitude towards life, and perhaps an improvement in the general situation?

We'll wait and see.

Wish me luck for the exam on friday that i have not studied for.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It may be the meds

i think i know where my anxiety and confusion is coming from.

It's the meds im taking to help me lose weight and stay warm. They're legal, proven to be safe for human consumption, in use everywhere- just not licensed or recommended for weight loss.

It's working- i've loss a bit of weight, even though ive been on a binge this week. 3 tubes of pringles will testify (one was even stolen from a friend). Im missing close to 3 weeks of lectures this year going off on holiday. I am asking for it.

Two weeks are lost due to sheer confusion. I shall never be careless with dates and booking flight tickets- i will always check the personal diary. Always!!

Good news is i bagged 240 quid tickets (return!) to Malaysia! I'll be back at the end of March for about 4 weeks- dont tell my dad, it's a surprise for his big 50 birthday!

It seems the meds are making me more bipolar too. Im gonna get tested after christmas to see what the meds have been doing to my body- my doctor is gonna get a good laugh and maybe i'll get an endocrinologist......appointment.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Death Cab for cutie was amazing

Ben Gibbard has inspired me to keep on working hard to lose weight.
I didnt recognize him initially- gone is the cuddly grizzly man. He's well slim now, clean shaven with smooth hair.

I prefer the grizzly, cuddly bear look. Stylist are evil.

He still sings the same though.....lovely noise....

The gig was great! Only thing was they didnt play 'we look like giants' or '405'. But they did play sound of settling, i will follow you into the dark and what sara said, among the few.

Ben didnt say much, didnt even intro most of the songs. I loved how he estimated about half of the audience in love before he launched into "i will follow you into the dark". It was just Ben and his acoustic guitar while the rest of the band just sat on stage, quietly singing along.

Chris looked the quintessential nerdy indie guitarist. The girls were enamoured with the bassist Nicholas, who was centre stage for pretty much the whole gig. My centre stage view was taken up by the neck of a swedish emo boy. Ben on the left and chris on the right.

It was great to finally see them live. Yeay!

Monday, November 10, 2008

eliza day is the 9th november!

That's what my friends decided anyway....

After the usual sunday evening dinner and Heroes my friends surprised me with presents and red velvet cupcakes!

I was very confused by it all, but very happy!!!

They gave me the super Mary Berry cookbook and the cutest t-shirt ever....It says on the front: Hello, my name is ninja and the back is a picture of two samurai swords crossed. Kawaii!!!!!!

I'm using all the happy energy from yesterday to get me through a miserable monday. It's been pouring since morning, i left the house at 6 a.m and i didnt manage to buy a gift for my brother.
I'm also soaked all the way down to my undies- wet Vans, soggy socks and sopping jeans are not good at all. Plus my cigarettes are all stale and disgusting. I starting to think the meds im taking to help rev up my metabolism isnt working because i feel absolutely miserable and tired all the time. Im not sure if it's the weather, the meds or the fact i have S.A.D (self diagnosed, of course). Oddly enough my study meds are shown to help with S.A.D- too bad i've finished those.

I think i just need some exercise and sunlight- but in Southend that involves rain, which just negates any goodness from the exercise and sunlight. For a coastal town Southend is pretty dismal.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

It bounces back: TAGGED

I have much studying to do and so i shall do my best to reply a tag. I shall not tag people because i dont feel like putting people in the spot today, screw the rules. I was tagged by H.E.L.E.N. I like her and her blog- she is funny and thoughtful at the same time. Plus, she takes lots of pictures of food. (imagine i am saying the whole paragraph is a really bad french accent, then you'll get the sentence structure...)

RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Blind rage

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
To be skinny

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
My own

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
a fifth to charity
a fifth to family
a fifth to buy all my friends designer handbags
a fifth for me to spend, spend spend
the last fifth to invest.

i'm boring, i know......

5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?

I love all my bestfriends but not in a romantic kind of way. I have strict friendcest rules.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved by someone. I think that in a relationship the two people never love each other the same amount. There is always one side who is more ardent, more devoted, more in love. It's tiring to love someone and not have that love reciprocated the same way, so being loved is definitely more blessed.

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
I'd like to say forever but in all honesty i will probably wait until someone who absolutely adores me comes along and sweeps me off my feet (into a flashy sports car, im too heavy to carry)

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I'd get over it, we'll be friends and maybe in 5 years, when im really drunk, confess it all and the next morning pretend it didnt happen. He'll be surprised, it'll come up over coffee 3 days later and he'll ask why. I'll tell him it was because he's funny and nice. What i wont tell him is that i never got over him 100%. I never get over them 100%, because i usually have decent taste in men. They'll stay funny and nice and i'll always be a little in love, but it's ok. I get to keep them close as friends.

9. What do you pray each day for your loved one?
I dont pray as much as i should. My prayers are that they're are happy, healthy and may they never have reason to be disappointed in me.

10. What makes you fall in love the fastest?
It's when they care and they make me laugh.

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
I want to be happy, successful and fulfilled but i worry that it might never happen. I want so many things so badly, i fear that if i say it out loud i may jinx it and it may never happen.

12. What do you really want at the moment of responding to this tag?
To cuddle up by a warm fire with a nice man. Add blankets, hot chocolate and indie music.

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A beautiful girl who's bright and refreshing- in spite of everything untainted by bitterness. Loves her food and eats out a lot!

14. Would you rather be: rich and miserable or poor but happy?
Daniel and I decided this a long time ago: We'd rather be miserable in style. Expensive style.

15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Look at the clock.

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
No. I'm too self-centered. I'd never sacrifice everything for someone else.

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
The taller one.

No, im kidding.

The one who loves me more.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
I forgive, but i dont usually forget.

19. Is there a relationship that you regret working hard for it?
I've never had a proper romantic relationship, but i doubt i'll work hard for it. Im lazy. If it's too much work i will drop it.

20. Would you leave your family behind just to chase your dreams?
I would, they'd kick my ass if i didn't. As long as the dream is doesn't involve me getting tattoos or piercings.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

8 easy steps

This song hits home, hard.....
The video is a insult to injury