Sunday, August 17, 2008


I blame my neuroses on my fucking neurotic crazy family. 

It's not my fault, i have to live with this shit. Now i realize why i left and have a residual reluctance go stay home. 

They project the worst of themselves unto me. I realize again now why i hate them. 

Ugh. Im should've picked an earlier flight. 

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Stomach bug

i have a tummy flu.
I was awfully ill yesterday with extreme lethargy, the runs and excruciating tummy cramps. 

i still have a headache and my food isnt sitting well in my tummy, even if i am hungry. im glad for the nothing to do- the down time is nice. 

I'm still a bit lost with maccy-baby, who's the new laptop. It's annoying, but im being patient. 

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


In all my Japan photos i manage to look like a deranged, fat flamenco dancer. Add Japan's midsummer heat wave i look like a melting deranged, fat flamenco dancer.

I dont know what to say about this trip. Too much happened and not nearly enough sleep. I can't even begin to analyze how i felt and what i thought. The people i met were fantastic (kindredship abound) but i cant say the same about Japan asa country.

It fascinates, it astonishes, but i don't feel welcome. Im not sure if im the inside or outside the goldfish bowl.