Monday, February 09, 2015


after getting what I've yearned for for years, I'm now struggling to cope with this new found title.

yes, I'm someone's girlfriend.

In other words, I have a boyfriend. I might sound like a 15 year old but I've never had a chance to use this line before and be telling the truth.

As the old adage says, when you don't see it coming.... So let me sing songs of joy and praise, he is a man who is doting, lovely and sweet.

It's refreshing to be with a man who want to be with me. A man who is proud of me and in spite of my best efforts to push him away isn't going anywhere.

I have found a man who will tie my shoelaces and offer me rugby socks when my feet are cold in his kitchen. A man who is willing to drive a 200 mile round trip to have pizza and a cuddle. There are so many little things he does which for me will elicit a big 'awwwwww' but then make some of you hurl your lovely breakfasts up.

He isn't what I expected. He's not perfect.
But he cares about me and he has the best sleeping nook. He will talk to me 3 times a day. He takes my 5 minute calls as I walk to the car park.
We sleep cuddling- I'll smile and think he's stopped snoring, but actually it's just cos I've fallen asleep and I can't hear him. I dont know if it's a good thing but he worries everytime I leave I'm not going to come back.

I don't know what being a girlfriend means. It's a title, yes, but does it confer any extra responsibilities, any extra benefit? It's easier to have a title than be introduced as a friend; but what am I expected to do?

*truth* I've never done this before. But I'm so happy :D

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