Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Yes, finals is in 4 and a half weeks

but does it stop me from telling you about my fellow student's clear, lovely blue eyes?

obviously no.

His eyes are gorgeous. They're like clear sky or the blue of tropical sea and just as shiny-sunny clear. He's got these huge eyes that should belong on a 5-year old girl with curly golden locks. Even whites are whiter than white. It helps that he has happy, smiley eyes too.

I contrast them to my rheumy, bloodshot, fake green contact lensed, tired khol rimmed eyes- with so much eyeliner i hope to obscures the fear, worry and lack of sleep/sanity reflected in them.

i'm making a habit of looking up into his eyes, i really need to remind myself not to stare. It's a new thing for me considering i've noticed i never look people in the eye- shifty i know, and it doesn't really build trust but i can't hold eye contact for very long. I find it uncomfortable. Instead i'll look somewhere else when i speak to people; behind them, around them but never at them.

ok, ok, i'll get back to "damage control". That's what im calling revision nowadays.

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