Sunday, October 16, 2011

Party on a boat London edition

I haven't abandoned the blog- just have been very busy and boring.

The last 3 days have not been though!

I have done no work for my exams or home stuff, but i've had lots of fun (and good food).

Last night was a friend's 30th birthday and he had swank do on a boat going up and down the Thames- all the way from docklands to putney and finally landing near london bridge.

It was a beautiful night, clear, cool with stars. We danced and drank and laughed and had a good time. I didnt fall off the boat. I didn't get off with the birthday boy....but hey, I take my wins where I can. I was very well behaved and a lady ( i managed not to fall down during the conga line down the stairs!). Later we ended up at a friend's house where i almost got smashed but was whisked home at the right time (thanks banana!) before i started being "sick eliza". Banana has got it down to a science: it starts with-
quiet eliza,
social eliza,
tipsy eliza,
dance-y eliza
super-chatty eliza

and then descends to loud and difficult eliza and the sick eliza. Usually loud and difficult eliza is preceded by the cry of 'Shottttttssss!!!!!'

But it's been fun. There was te night before the night before where i indulged in one too many lovely cocktails by our friend martin the bartender (dodgy picture on facebook courtesy of B, i didnt do it really, it's all camera angles!) followed by yummy steaks and chips.

I have to focus on work and my gym aim of running an 8 minute mile.

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