Tuesday, September 09, 2008

thought of the day

Kuaci is not much fun alone.

I found this at a friend's blog

Every human being on this earth is born with a tragedy, and it isn't original sin. He's born with the tragedy that he has to grow up. That he has to leave the nest, the security, and go out to do battle. He has to lose everything that is lovely and fight for a new loveliness of his own making, and it's a tragedy. A lot of people don't have the courage to do it.

by Helen Hays in Roy Newquist

1 comment:

Only Kye said...

Hi eliza! i passed by that horrendous place you call a tea-shop. i can't fathom how anyone could drink that vile liquid, but you could. you are forever the Empress for your formidable taste buds.

no kuaci is not fun alone. notatoll.