You know you're in your late 20s (in Malaysia anyway) when facebook entries are full of pictures of people's kids.
Ive been told im old enough that my little cousin could be my kid. She's 4 now.
Loads of people I know have kids or are 'fetus in situ'.
The broody bells have been droning in the background somewhat over the last couple of years, but recently they've been tolling like the bloody Notre Dame.
Im blaming the exogenous hormones; bombarding my body with strong synthetic hormones to protect against getting knocked up initially made me so loco that many thought it had the opposite effect. Peeing on a stick loses it's novelty really quickly.
I try and be disciplined. One little yellow tablet a day (i keep it tucked in my purse and then I can take whenever I remember). An alarm on my phone reminds me (if I wake up early enough).
Recent UK statistics show that 1 in 5 women are childless at 45. That's a startling figure, considering that most women will have a circle of more than 5 friends. Think of the sex and the city girls- of the four only 2 had babies; and one with difficulty. I will potentially know women who will be childless; whether or not out of their choice is another question.
As for myself, I'd love to have kids.
10 years ago the answer would have be a resolute 'hell no'; 5 years ago it would've been a 'maybe....' and now it's a simple 'yeah, what the hell'. Is this the instinctive need to reproduce overcoming any logical good sense I might have? Is this a need to do what is expected of me- get a job, get married and give my parents a couple of grandkids?
Oh but look at the cons:
1. It destroys your body
2. Children can ruin relationships
3. Children are expensive and are terrible as investment for the future; there are no guarantees they will reach adulthood and even then, they might turn out right.
4. You're stuck with them till they're 18, at least.
5. The world is overpopulated as it is, am I contributing to the problem?
There are many more, but essentially kids can cause irreversible damage to every aspect of your life. And the universe (if they end up supervillians).
And the pros:
1. It's the ultimate project. A little biology, a little art, a bucket full of luck and a lot of responsibility. It's the ultimate test in persistence, patience and defatiguability. Sure nature will have a large part in it, but it's something you nurture, tend to and watch grow.
2. Kids can be fun.
3.....did I mention they're fun sometimes....?
4. It's a social experiment.
Ok, maybe the pros are a little weak, but inbuilt caveman drive to procreate is hard to suppress.
Scientific evidence supports women having children in their early 20s- the body copes better with the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth, fertility and the quality of eggs is better and it protects against breast cancer.
But having kids later in life means I have time to go to university, lay foundations for a career, travel the world and party to wee hours with abandon. There's a little story a friend likes to tell: a village found that the young men were marrying later than their father's generation- the reason: The young men had bicycles and were travelling to neighbouring villages to scout for girls to marry instead of settling for the girls in their village. I could potentially scout for men anywhere in the world (except Israel)- when am I going to marry?
I have already surpassed the age at which my parents had me; and probably surpass the age at which they had my younger brother. But I have travelled, I have suffered and I have lived a different life from my parents. Is this better? There's no way to tell. I hope they had a great time raising me and my brother; and im sure they suffered too, albeit differently.
I think I'll make cute babies. Fat, dimply, giggly babies with curly hair and big eyes. *Amin* *fingerscrossed*
Not now, not in the next year, but maybe in a couple of years. Once I've grown up a little.
There is that little problem of fathering my babies... I'll save that for another post.
Now, if everyone will just stop bombarding me with pregnancy news or pictures of adorable kids I can stop cooing and get back to revising.
28 days yo.
wish me luck.
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