Monday, January 07, 2008

Nasi air

I see the light
It's shining bright
I think I'll have some supper tonight
Nasi air, sudu tak pernah cukup
Yang tinggal hanya pinggan dan mangkuk........
Sometimes i feel like genocide*
Sometimes i feel like suicide
I see the light
It's shining bright..............

-Thanks kiki for the inspired lyrics...... too bad i dont remember the rest, but one of us will
*we were kids when we made this song up, waaay before people started shooting their classmates. Waaaay before i actually knew what genocide meant. Gun laws are a good idea, because depressed 16 year olds will always exist.

I made nasi air today- complete with sambal! Replace the kangkung with spinach and voila! It's nostalgic and yummy......

Accompanied by apple tea......this convalescent likes to eat well....


Only Kye said...

hehehe yea i remember the next few lines about being dobi day and it raining...

haha nice to know you remember. stuff like 'we were once 16' makes me feel just a wee bit tua.

ekhosama said...

depressed 16 yr olds always exits, so true. gosh, now it's worst than ever. A man had a shotty and 3 guns and was shooting people before he killed himself.

I think I should just forget about the world. Well, a message for anyone who is depressed right, just telling,

be brave, you'll make it. One day the world will brighten up again