Sunday, January 13, 2008


I have a nasty habit of being late when taking my clothes outta the coin-operated washing machines in our basement. Usually, i get away with it. Rarely someone would come along that wanted to use the machine, so they'll pile the clothes up on the machine, or pop it in the laundry bag. Today someone did something amazing.

She had folded up each and every item of clothing i had (damp still) and stacked them up on the washing machine in two neat piles. On top of those there was a small mound of my knickers and a bras, nicely stacked with straps tucked away.

Im slightly appaled at the idea of someone going through my clothes like that- its kinda creepy....


mostlyepiphanies said...

If I were you all i can say is wow.Then I'd start going all paranoia dissecting my brain for some shred of buried memory of me actually folding them earlier before getting amnesia.

Then I'd start to worry.Hee!But you shouldn't since someone saved you a great deal of work.

Porky said...

can i fold ur knickers for you next time :p

Liez said...

hey pooh bear

you know you can fold my knickers any day.........
