Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tarot card readings

I find tarot card readings are a good way to gain insight into whatever situation im in. Sometimes they give me hope, i tend to choose to believe the more favourable ones.

I doubt a deck of cards can give me answers i need- but they might be able to show me the way.

The best picks of today's reading-

A showoff. An imposter. An overly confident actress. A drama queen. A spoiled woman who whines and enjoys the sound of her own voice. Pretension.

Dreams. A fertile imagination. Numerous and sometimes conflicting desires. Dreaming up options. Window shopping for paths and goals. Bemused and confused by the possibilities of options. Realization of a long shot. Surprises. Humour, thrills, and vision.

Animal impulse and instinct. Primal knowledge. Tension between order and chaos. Reconciling the cultured vs. natural state of being. The wisdom of the subconscious making its influence felt via one's appetites and aversions.

Well, i would say that's a very favourable reading. My question was pretty specific, but i felt the answer is referring to my life at the moment, which is going off-kilter. My world is spinning so slowly that it's losing it's gravitational pull and falling off it's axis. Bits are falling out left right and centre, but i am scarily calm. I worry for a moment, panic for a bit, but i sleep well at night. I hope the cards are showing a change in my attitude towards life, and perhaps an improvement in the general situation?

We'll wait and see.

Wish me luck for the exam on friday that i have not studied for.

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