Wednesday, March 31, 2010

i commute in kuala lumpur

It's been raining and i've been soaking my shoes every afternoon on my quick escape home from elective.

It's been 3 days and i'm exhausted. It's pretty intense, but it's a great learning opportunity. I deliverd my first baby on tuesday- she's a lovely brown cherub, weighed about 2 kilos and had a apgar score of 9 at one minute. A little quiet, so we needed to look after her a bit closely; but she's a bonny little thing after all that.

The midwife and nurses are lovely, the doctors are a mixed bag- just like any other firm, i guess. It's the same here and there: i walk in, everyone looks at me a bit oddly, peers closely at my chest to read my ID card and ask me where im from. I need to speak up more and ask to do things, because they will let me; but im so shy.

The other non-elective medical students dont like me; i think it's because im over-friendly and cling on to them like a drowing person to a floatation device-  i need company and i still sit alone at the cafeteria.....

Ah, it's almost 1 in the morning. I have 8 o'clock starts and my mom sends my dad to work before she drops me off at the hospital. I train it most of the way back, she pick me up from the station. I wish i could bike it, but here, in this heat, that would be truly suicidal. I still think it's funny how i take public transportation here, but it saves me the parking costs (that's what i tell people, but the truth is i dont drive, not because of an environmental stance or anything, but cos i lack skill. Im such a lonely loser sometimes.)

1 comment:

Samantha Tan said...

Don't worry, I don't drive either and neither does Arivind! Technically I have a license but I got it then upped to the UK so...

and hey, at least you guys can cycle ok. I can't even do that (except in a straight line)!

How long are you back in KL?