Wednesday, July 01, 2009

English Summer

I understand it's hot. But really guys, why do all of you need to take your tops off? It's terribly distracting and i've been caught staring more than once. I know you all want a tan- but how many of you wear sunscreen?

Ok, health promotion bit over. Now stop distracting me and put some clothes on. Talking about distractions- i was innocently watching TV, a show called "embarrassing bodies"- you know, all about health issues that people tend to not see their doctors about. Well today they had a whole rugby team strip off; willies swing away, pale bums on show, jumping into the communal showers. Then they had all these guys take their towels off and examine their balls.

Im there, on my sofa with my plate of mash potatoes going, "what?!" All in the name of education, eh? Im not getting excited, merely surprised at the stuff their allowing on TV at 9 o'clock at night.

Anyway, this girls gotta work so i can enjoy my english summer.

Must be strong. must be strong.

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