Monday, December 07, 2009

Lisfranc Injury

I fell yesterday.
A little fall, nothing major, but, my God, it hurt.

I kinda fell like this:

It was on a stairs at the tube station. I managed to hobble home.

I got home, propped it on a pillow, put some bandages on and slept. Or at least tried to sleep. The pain was excruciating. It throbbed, i could feel every pulse in my foot.

This morning i couldn't walk on it. At all. I called a cab and made my way to the hospital i used to work. I jumped along on one foot, with my shinai in it's bag as a crutch. A lovely girl helped me into A&E, holding on to me as i hobbled along. Bless her beautiful heart.

A&E was empty. I had 2 lots of x-rays and given the all clear. I do not have a Lisfranc. Well, it's hard to diagnose, but we'll see. If im still swollen and in pain by wednesday it would be a Lisfrance for sure (says the lazy finalist).

Im now on regular on co-codamol and ibuprofen and going to sleep it off.

Pray that i get well soon- bless all your beautiful hearts. x

1 comment:

Only Kye said...

that almost looks like a pretty and graceful fall. But they say pain is beauty huh?