Friday, January 12, 2007

What travelling solo has taught me

I never did write about the trip, did i?
Well, here's a quick summary of what i learnt:

*a whole load of spanish

*people are lovely and are generally kind.

*being shy is not worth the whole being mysterious thing

*I feel God's grace through the kindness of strangers

*Getting lost is not necessarily a bad thing. You may waste time and get really tired, but you see, experience and feel more. You may never know where you end up, so for backup always have a map. Just in case. (its not only a travel thing, but a life thing too)

*I like art, but 2 huge art galleries in a day is waaay too much. Greco is an amazing artist. His subject matter may be very christian, but the way he uses light and shadow, colour and contrast-just blows me away. Oh, and Goya's black paintings were straight up disturbing.

*I equate modern art to a form of mind rape. It just messes up my head- i dont like people messing around with my intrepretation of space and shape, making me feel and think things i dont want to.

*I can be responsible for myself.

*Spending time by myself is nice, but i need human interaction too. I missed family and friends.

*You can be yourself and people can choose to like you or not. If they dont like you, wont accept you for the absolutely trashed mess that you are, then hey, that's their loss. There's more people to kacau and meet anyway. It surprised me how many people actually hung with boring old, trashy messy me.

*I must see more of the world. Its not just the sights that was amazing, its also all these people i met.

Yeah, that's about the gist of it. On the bus, driving past olive groves as far as the eyes can see, i thought of something. If i am unattached, uncommitted and finished with FY1 and FY2 when im 28 or something, i would take a year or even two off. To volunteer, to travel, to go to mardi gras in rio, climb mountains and insane stuff like that.

See, the whole getting lost thing. And i will be nice to strangers.

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