Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The day floats by in the strong sunshine

I watch life pass like a movie.

There's the tonne of shiny colourful confetti in front of the courts of justice being whipped up by passing busses. The street sweeper is not sulking, yet.

The lady in the pastel skirt suit carrying an old fashion white boxy briefcase. Her baby blue eyeshadow frame her darting eyes. I wonder what's in the bag and who she's meeting at Half Moon street.

The gaggle of german school kids on a school trip. It was such a shy hello, such restrained curiosity. I could've been friendlier, but i was sunstroked by then.

The self-concious grin as a man caught me staring at him fixing his hair.

Friendly bus conductors and old school london busses ramble about east london. People sway as they make their way up the windy back stair and down the aisle.

The glare of the sun makes lines deeper, shadows darker and tar very-very soft. Bouncy even.

Im watching and waiting. I know no one's looking, but i want them to.

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