Sunday, March 08, 2009

City and colour - Waiting

I succeeded in wasting last week- the bloody essay is not even started and my plastic watch strap is giving me contact dermatitis (i.e red scaly patches on my wrists).

So here are my expectations:

To read all of neuro and psych by thursday (exam is friday morning)

To have all my points for my compare and contrast essay (it is 8000 bloody words)

To gym everyday (i just watched run lola run and hell, running is essential to life, like swimming and cycling- i'll be gentle with myself, it's a slowly but surely process)

Get back on my 6 mini-meals a day program.

Get cracking on that fresher guide (at least the phone/bank bit)

Sleep less. Just this week. Just this week.

Stop lying to yourself Lizzie. It's not gonna get better, you're not gonna do it later, stop kidding yourself.
It all boils down to procrastination. Everything that goes wrong with your life is because you're to fucking scared/lazy to fix it now.
There is no later, no tomorrows.
Everything takes time and it has to start now, now now!

So say goodbye to love
and hold your head up high


Anonymous said...

good luck. i hope you are not checking this cos u shud b doing work

Liez said...

hah, i got caught!

I know, i even went to the pub today- wht a disaster! I shall take a bath and get back to work.

Thanks anon- needed that.