Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Four posts, one day, five songs.

I've been thinking about Kendo a lot. How great it is and how i really am not designed to do Kendo. And how i suck, no matter what sensei-with-cute-kid or ginger-sensei says. I am also thinking about going for tuesday practise at the gym.

I feel much better after eating and having a short but proper workout. A good ergo feels so good, even if it was just 10 minutes. I made 2 km and it was smooth, sustained at the end, with a little hiccup in the beginning.

My sick body was not quite able to deal with the fasting today, but that's a day struck off my the fasts i owe. I'll give tomorrow a break and maybe try thursday.

Im still fugly and i still dont like myself, but biochemically my brain is releasing tonnes of chemicals that make me take it a lot better. I get runner's high. If im short of drugs/booze/glue/cigarettes all i need is to go get some exercise. Funny how i still haven't gotten addicted to exercise yet.

I've made nasi lemak and i have sambal sotong, but i feel guilty to eat. I've gained a kilo according to the gym's scale, and those scale are the TRUTH. I might have a little bit. Just a little bit.

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