Saturday, December 16, 2006

Tired and stoned

oh, look at the time.

The day didnt begin too well. Woke up later than i wanted to, didnt do enough last minute reading. Lunch was broken up frozen pizza (which i popped in the oven). The exam was confusing. Some of it was easy and straight forward, but for most of the part it was difficult. The questions were worded badly and i was so confused i managed some careless mistake that i could have rectified if i was thinking clearly. I wasnt because i was jittery from too much of that killer arabica coffee i had just bought. Oh, and i was holding in the urge to pee. That's very distracting, and i answered really badly.

Walked home with aaron (while kicking myself mentally about being so retarded and answering such a simple question wrong). Stopped and Sainsbury's for butter and toffee pudding then at Whitechapel fried chicken for hot wings. I was starving.

Came home, dumped stuff and called up people for tonite's plans. That was a mess. I was invited to 3 dinner parties and was asked out for dinner. Its either nothing or everything, huh? My ex-housemates, now good friends, have been planning the christmas party since november. And i was bringing food, so its obvious which one i went to. The person who asked me out to dinner has been asking me (and friends) out since last week. It's just schedules dont match, that's why we medics are so insular.

Big mess with plans, which meant i had to roast my chicken and prepare the bread pudding all by my lonesome. Cooking multitask is not my thing. I messes up the kitchen and drove myself crazy. But all ended well. Had loads of food (chicken, potatoes, stuffing and brownies).....and got lovely christmas pressies. Got a spanish phrasebook, a gorgeous notebook, bath gel, emergency chocolate and a pretty bag to pop it all in. Love ya C!

Then off to the union we go. I drop by the house to drop off my presents and when i get back to the union (time interval:15 mins, tops) i couldnt get in. It was fucking full capacity and i was left outside while the girls were all in there.

Then i bumped into L and O. O was pissed about the queue and invited the lot of us back to his place for shisha. For sheer 'i dont wanna be alone at the end of term and on a friday nite' i agreed. O and L are nice, so is his cousin, k.k, g and a. We chilled, had shisha and watched stuff on the computer. Talked a lot of crap too. I was way stoned by the shisha, it was goooood shit. Not smooth, but hit me straight in the head. Must've been to anti-allergy pills i took after dinner- Jeffrey the cat gave me 'the allergies'. And poppers dont do anything to me though. Which is good. If shisha can make me stoned out, little of a lot of things would too. At one point my dinner was threatening to come back out. But i had a drink of water, some cold air and all was well.

Had to walk in the rain at 4 oclock in the morning and wait a freaking 40 minutes for a bus. Came back looking like something the cat dragged in. Will rest now and sleep the shisha off.

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