Friday, June 13, 2008

First ever 'foreigner' slur

I was getting midnight snacks from McDonald's with a housemate when a guy in line in front of us turned around to ask me where i'm from. I get it all the time, and usually it's asked with real curiosity, so i decided to go with the whole "where do you think i come from line?", said in a playful manner.

The guy is a typical working class white middle age guy. Looks a bit rough, but these types are usually harmless.

The other two guys in the line were guessing and after about two wrong guesses i told them i'm from malaysia. They're asian, by the way.

Anyway, this white guy then proceeds to rant about how i should try speaking english and not talk in my 'own' language with my 'own' people. The thing is we were speaking English all the while. He goes on about how london is being taken over by foreigners and that born and bred londoners, like him, are becoming a rarity. That foreigners are taking over jobs and the streets, taking the british government's money, which rightly belongs to people like him. Mind you, he's not as half as eloquent as i am here.

It's quite intimidating because he's standing right in front of me, ranting away. I'm trying to stay quiet, bite my tongue and not argue, trying to dissapate the tension and to get away without getting into a fight. The two asian guys are looking nervous, glancing at me, asking if i'm alright. Me and my friend sorta walked off, and the guy continued on his rant. He's pissing me off, the wanker, but im resisting the urge to say to tell him off.

"Im here, paying fuck loads of money and taxes to your government so that it can support dole dependant alcoholics like you who have nothing better to do than slag off hardworking immigrants. Shut up and get a job."

Well, that's a first. I wish i had the guts to just tell it to his face. But I can never find the words and the nerve.

I've been reading the BNP's manifesto, just outta curiosity. Wanna know a bit more about British Nationalism? Be warned, it may piss you off.


Anonymous said...

sayang one more dayyyyyyyy hahahah i will be arriving in london on tuesday the 17th at 4pm once again will definetely call you i am using my usa number.

Unknown said...

Wow... I love the foreigner slurs.
Haven't quite gotten one to my face yet, but I'll say that I probably wouldn't have been quite as courteous as you were.
Something along the lines of calling management to kick his belligerent ass out would have been fun. :)

Liez said...

i could've kicked his sorry alcoholic ass, but was a little worried about getting hep c if he scratched me.
And i didn't wanna drop my burger.

Anonymous said...

it's not personal, it's political

but can we really separate it so neatly?

Only Kye said...

i feel sorry for the guy. he probably, actually, truly believes that he makes any sense. but we know better.

(and i'm proud of you for being mucher the eloquenter one. i mean, asians speak engrish all the time. :)

Liez said...

the thing was, i did get it, i understand. It's not personal, it's anger at the general situation. It's unfortunate that the actions of few will determine the fate (and views) of others (usually for the worse), but that's politics, right? He does have a right to feel dissatisfied, but no reason to take out on me....