Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mysterious Smoking Lady of the House

She's there at all hours of the day. First thing in the morning, in the deep of the night. In her sweats, holding a box of juice in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other. There's some kind of elegance in her pose, leaning so casually on the pillar just outside the double layered doors. I imagine her a femme fatale in a past life, smoking at the balcony of a sumptuous party. In a killer black dress, with a glass of champagne and smoking her slim cigarette with gloved hands.

In other news- i've started packing. I begun hoarding boxes yesterday and i found a wonderful stash of sturdy boxes during my jog this morning. My pictures, postcards and posters are coming off the wall. I've started to pack the books in dont need first.

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