Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Exam crazies, missing parents and overeating

Arghhhhhhhhh- its in a week people. This year's D-DAY. The fear, the horror, the worry. Oh my. Say a prayer for me. Light a candle, or a hundred. Project Reiki and love my way- need loads of that now. After a few days of lounging- ive got my panic mojo back.

My parents were here. It was fun and stressing at the same time. My parents are the still ever-so-slighty odd. They've each got their own quirks: they dont really get each other, but they're still happily together. They stayed at a hotel near my halls- it was cheap and pretty decent. They even thought the fact that it was on top of a fish and chip shop a plus point! My parents drive me crazy, but i miss them. My mom's loads of fun to go shopping and daddy's always a good laugh. They're really fun to talk to as well.

They fed me sooo much while they were here. The parents kept on taking me out for nice food- japanese, mexican: all the yummy stuff i usually cant afford. Im still over-eating, now it's comfort eating. I'm becoming spontaneously bulimic: too much food and seal-bark coughing makes me throw up. Its pretty disgusting and it sounds and looks worse than it feels. The parents bought me a french-press (cafeterie) and some whole bean coffee- so im constantly buzzing from the caffeine. Too much fluids and too much food- i feel ill. I've cut down smoking a it because i suspect i have a chest infection that's making me very sleepy and giving me the nasty, croup-like cough.

Im scared. So scared. I pray that im smart enough. For this, for life and everything else.


Porky said...

lol, croup...

thanks for the coffee eliz :)

Only Kye said...

i remember in PC i was so jealous and full of wonderment when your dad dropped by with pizza and called you 'Darling'

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Liez said...

My dad still calls me darling....