Friday, June 22, 2007

Perhatikan Rani!

This is a long-time favourite: Perhatikan Rani! by Sheila on 7. It's the last song on their first album (before Duta and crew met their image consultant, so they all looked a bit Indon kilang on the cover.)

I havent heard this song in a long while since my walkman went into retirement and i lost my cassette collection.

I found it randomly, and now its been playing on loop. A message of hope and love. And a reminder not to get caught up in all the distractions.

Just the thing i need.

"Beranjak dewasa kakakku Rani tercinta
Sudah saatnya belajar berpijar
Tinggalkan Jakarta demi masa depan cipta
Sudah waktunya mulai terjaga

Beranjak melentik kakakku Rani yang cantik
Jadikan masa depanmu menarik
Ingat s'lalu pesan kedua orang tuamu
Jalani dengan hatimu yang tulus

Dan jangan takut, jangan layu
Pada semua cobaan yang menerpamu, jangan layu
Kami selalu bersamamu dalam derap
Dalam lelap mimpi indah bersamamu

Padamkan sekejap warna-warni duniamu
Saat kau mulai kehilangan arah
Nyalakan sekejap warna-warni duniamu
Saat berjalanmu kembali tegap

Mungkin semua ini 'kan cepat berakhir
Semoga semua ini adalah
Persinggahan sementara mimpimu"


burhan.s said...


balik laaaa...:D

Liez said...

aww sweets- ticket mahallah....and i wanna do things, i guess. I wanna have a dreamy summer- work a bit, travel a bit, do a course or two, read and see what i can do with two months free time and freedom. Are you in m'sia already?

burhan.s said...

I am, yes...was hoping could lepak with you or something..i guess we'll just have to spend 10 quid on a posh cafe latte in some posh coffee place in london sometime next term lah..hehe. Well, you focus and do well in your exams, and enjoy your dream summer vacation! If lah by any chance you feel so bored and wanna call me in Malaysia (got a bad feeling it won't happen :D) my number is 0173565950...

Liez said...

owh hun-you're home already? Think of me when you're having a kopi ais kaw at the mamak (how i miss those....)I imagine i might get bored.....who knows, i might even call!!!