Thursday, February 14, 2008


No, im not talking about me. Though it could be.

This ANTI-VALENTINE website is just what i needed to battle the forces of flowers, pink and rampant consumerism that defines this awful day. Why cant people celebrate this poor Saint's day like all the other saints- quietly, with prayer and maybe making food for the poor?

But back to ANTI-VD.

Managed an all black outfit today- and the weather is grey and absolutely unromantic (i like how even nature agrees.......). I made singleton muffins as gifts to all my single friends.

My stand for ANTI-VD is that i choose to be depressed, lonely and angry and i refuse to join in on rampant consumerism, generic unsincere shows of love and affection and general soppy-ness. I have a right to be as dark and moody as i want and no one can impose pink/red lovey/fluffiness on me this day.

i went out to dinner. On VD. When i got the invite, i thought my friend was taking the piss, saying he was gonna treat our cooking collective to dinner. But actually, he meant it. And so, we all went out for Japanese fusion- A former couple, a poor fella missing his other half, another singleton and me. I was still in all black, but i dressed up a little and during dessert caved in and stole a pink chrysanthemum from the table and wore it in my hair.

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