Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Time and distance

What happens when relationships end and friendships drift apart?

When a couple ceases to be a couple and friends don't communicate. No hatred, no spite, nothing wrong. Just time and distance doing it's thing.

I'm notorious for lack of communication. It's not that i dont love you or that i've forgotten you- it's just that i get caught up in the here and now. Truth be told i probably miss you a lot, it's just that i can't get organised enough to call or write and email. Or there's nothing to say except " i miss you and wish you were here.''

So, what happens when tragedy strikes? How to act? What to do?

To ignore the time apart and share the sorrow- to try and be a shoulder to cry on? How do you say sorry for not being there all this while? Feel sad, angry, worried? A glimmer of guilt perhaps?

I would forget time and distance. What was once shared can never be lost. You can't erase the past how hard you try- and what was once there is worth the initial awkwardness. People change, but not that much. It's a chance to start talking again, even if the circumstances are shitty.

To quote Mary Schmich (from that Baz Lurhman song 'wear sunscreen') "Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young. "


Unknown said...

I love you. That's all...

Liez said...

I love you too.
That was the only sound i could think of. And it rhymes......