Saturday, February 23, 2008

The morning after

I love waking up late on a Saturday, this morning to the sounds of Aqualung. Post-stoned mornings are the best. I feel ready to take on the world! All i need is a shower and to brush my teeth. It's two in the aftenoon, but im not in a hurry.

The oversized bathroom next door still has the lingering smell of last night. Memories of sitting on the floor- out of it, but in a good way. I can still taste peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and the warmth from friends lying next to me.

Earth to Lizzy

I really need to go get some exercise. Im also making Kuah Kacang for dinner with friends later, so there- stuff to do. And there's a whole load of studying.

Fixing problems, bit by bit.

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