Friday, July 14, 2006

Archive May 20
people reading my blog-You know what-its weird, i'm keeping a blog so i can bitch and whine without hurting anyone's ears or wasting their time. That and the fact there's no one to whine to-sadly. That's why it bothers me so when i find out people read this-it's well, whinings-which are characterised as being immature, pathetic and just being a spoilt brat for a while and getting rid of bad thoughts before they fester and turn my brain all evil. whining are supposed to disapppear. I've functioned so long without a whinee (think along the lines of employee) that i can logick out all the insane whinings and crazed ideas in my head. And once let out, much of my hate disappates of its own accord. I dont have a propensity to bear loads of hatred or revenge-my memory is too short term for that. Back to where i was going-my whinings function as a way for me to vent. They mean nothing, and therefore should not persist. They only persist here because i lack a medium for expression. This choice of medium is inheritly bad-the world can read it and it stays here forever (pretty much) till i delete it. So people can read it-things that really mean nothing. As regular whining sessions go-its a waste of a person's time but worst the people i whine about might read it.Now that's bad. Cos of reasons outlined above. so here goes the apology and the disclaimer: Nothing here is meant to be evil unless explicitly mentioned to be as such. I talk about everything and care too much what people think but if you ever start wondering-no its not about you, really, i have better things to think and vent about
muchos love; lovies always

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