Friday, July 14, 2006

Archive may 29
one bank holiday afternoon, this girl thought-I'm not fair to the people that love me, not at all. I just talked to one. I cant blame them though, im not exactly the easiest person to live with. Here's a prayer to those who care: bless you all. May you get more than what you give, let there always be a candle alight for you somewhere. Always feel safe and know that i love you too. Even though i never call. Never lose hope in me and have faith always.
Yeah, im rebounding well from the misery suffered during the bumps. My body's recovering quite well, no more muscle stiffness and the injuries are scabbing over well. All should heal soon. Even my hands are looking fairly normal although still rough (i now have farmer's hands). I'm keeping lessons learnt then in mind-will train over the summer to get it right next year. Emotionally im still scarred-am damned scared about the AGM on friday...why i have no idea-maybe it's just the dress
Let's describe the dress-it's a darkish blue-not navy, more cobalt blue but darker....It's crinkly material with bits of crochet at the edges and in horizontal lines across the dress. It's strappy-a bit too strappy for my liking but it looks nice when i wear it. It falls in soft folds just past my knees. Im gonna wear it with my torture golden heels (which now are scuffed terribly-but i can still get away with it, i think). Gonna bind my feet in loads of plasters before i go....Should survive though, although the two times iv'e worn these heels i've had to walk barefoot some distance on the way back. I cant believe i'd torture myself in the name of beauty-i've sunk that low....damn....Back to the outfit-i've figured out everything but the shrug. I'm thinking shrug, but the highstreet is saying go for cardigan. I think a shrug would be right, but i really dont want to go out shopping now. Been looking around, but so far nothing has caught my eye. When shopping for shrug, everything else looks attractive.Did i mention the cutest tank top i bought in Mango? It was too much to pay for a tank top, but i love it. Too bad it's too low cut and just a wee bit too small- i love it anyway....
Really shouldnt shop today-Rather study and then gym. Planning to gym about 6. Probably do an hour-im so lazy nowadays. Been dodging my trainer for weeks....i smile sheepishly when i see him and scoot away pronto....
talking about pronto-must study pronto....hypersensitivities calls to be understood.

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