Monday, November 27, 2006


Im ill. I suspect it's viral tonsilitis. That's the acute feel of it. But there are a whole host of chronic things going on in the background. Going to go see the GP today. The poor person has to contend with my insanity and hypochondriacism.
Aside, im feeling a lot like Squee nowadays. Scared and kinda unloved. And worst, i think Ginger is a bit like Shmee......kinda evil. I sensed a slight evil gleam in the turn of his nose. I keep on losing things in my room-it could be Ginger, just hiding my stuf away.........
Again im at crossroads. There's a big party this tomorrow. H- might even be there. The thing is:
a) viral tonsilitis
b) lack of money-itis (money just came in, but i have spain to think about!)
c) i've got uni stuff till 8pm
d) none of my close peeps are gonna be there
e) it's 10 quid entry
On the other hand:
a) H- might be there
b) I havent gone clubbing for awhile!
c) It'll be great to meet new people
d) S has been asking me out for awhile. Shouldnt disappoint her really.........She's been really sweet about it too.........
I hate making choices

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