Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Things i wish i had said today

"Did you know someone put coke in the still orange and now the whole thing taste like crap?"

"I want to see the doctor, NOW!!!! I think i have a grave endocrine disease that will make me even fatter and uglier!!! No, i dont think it can wait till monday!!!!"

"Does that look like a rash to you? Im worried........."

"Can someone lend me a labcoat and coax me to go to Learning Landscape?"

"Could you do me a favour and wake me in any manner possible if i fall asleep on these pile of books in the library?"

"Do you have to put your hand there?"

"No, you cannot put your hands anywhere near my thighs"

"Do i have to know all this to be a decent doctor? No, that was a rhetorical question......Can you explain what a the difference between a follicular cell and a parafollicular cell?"

"Close the window please-i rather be warm than freezing cold"

"Will the bitches behind me shut up and pay attention the guy speaking in front-stop giggling you stupid bunch of twats"

"You idiots in the back row-i dont want to know what your plans are for tonite-i wanna know what the guy in front is saying. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"

"I've been eyeing you for a year, you look a bit like Edison Chen......"

"Hiya, how are you guys?"

"Can anybody give me a hug, i kinda need one today"

1 comment:

Only Kye said...

hug from across the seas? *hug*

hey eliza. hands. on thighs. kinky.