Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tristan and Iseult

I blame tristan and iseult. The song made me go to the movies and get a monthly pass i clearly cannot afford.

Well, i was sick of staying in, so i threw on some clothes and walked (ran!) the way to the cinema.

And on the street the hero stands.
The female lead hand in hand and he says,
"Oh god i love you, but you trouble me."
She pushes him away.

"So what did you think?"
"It was Ok i guess. That story's pretty old. It's pretty cliched and hackneyed i thought, i thought."

Said Tristan to Iseult.

The real deal by Tarkio
“Would you like to go out tonight?”said Tristan to Iseult. “It's a lovely night to go to the Odeon; sit in the back row. Sick of staying in.” So they threw on some clothes, walked slowly down the street, lit by lantern light, through the market square, studied the marquee,bought two tickets and some popcorn. And on the screen the hero stands, the female lead, hand in hand, and says,“God I love you, but you trouble me.” She pushes him away. And as the credits role, Tristan turned to Iseult, said, “What did ya think?” “It was okay, I guess.That story's pretty old. It's a bit clichéd and hackneyed, I thought; I thought.” And back out on the street they stopped for some ice cream. Talking quietly, there was nobody in the room in which they sat, as he reached across the table. And just as their fingers caught, timidly, he whispers to her and says, “God I love you, but you trouble me.” Said Tristan to Iseult.

I cant find the song anymore. This troubles me. Because i wanna listen to it again. Badly. Thanks to the guy who featured the lyrics on his blog; dude-i hope it doesnt end this way for you. And you write brilliant poetry(shshaw_shshaw).

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