Monday, November 13, 2006

I am the worst daughter in the world.
1. I dont call home that often. It got so bad that my parents had to call looking for me-they were wondering if i was still alive.
2. I dont email.
3. I do exactly the opposite of what im told to do; when in front of mom and dad i promise to do exactly what they tell me to
4. I think about them often enough, but not all the time.
5. The worse trangression so far-i woke my mom up in the middle of the night to ask her why i couldnt call the house phone. I was ever so slightly pissed as well. I was smoking away as i was talking to her. I finished one cigarette; and as she was assuring me that my little brother was doing fine, i was trying to light the next cigarette. I bet she knows. I betcha she could smell the smoke thru the phone.

I really feel like shit. I love them to death, i do. But i also hold on to the saying,"what parents dont know wont kill them'.

So, they should never have any of their suspicions confirmed. They are allowed to imagine and suspect the worst-it's a parental right. My dharma as a daughter is to never let them know that im a screwed up little shit. That i'm not their pride and joy. That im not a wonderful, well-balanced individual that they tried so hard to raise me to be.

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