I wanna live life and be good to you
And I wanna fly, never come down
And live my life and have friends around
We never change, do we?
No, no
We never learn, do we?
It's where i ramble, so my friends that i love and never email know what i'm up to, so i get to scream with some degree of anonymity and just vent because sometimes, there's no one to talk to
I wonder if over-eating constitutes self harm. All that fat will kill you- either directly through a heart attack from clogged arteries; or indirectly if you throw yourself off the 20th floor cos no one loves you, you tub of lard.
Self-harm is not a joke- it's a serious sign that something is wrong. No one should hurt themselves, the universe and other people does enough of that already.
I use to cut, a little- there are a few visible scars left. To my parents they are nasty cat scratches and nasty stretch marks. To me they're memories. I remember why i did it, vaguely. The feeling of overwhelming anger and frustration that was exploding within me- i had to let it out somehow. I cut indiscriminately, usually in anger, not thinking of the repercussions.
What's a bunch of scars when really, i wanted to die?
I trivialize it now, because it is not cool to be a self-harming depressive. No one would love me. It's difficult to explain how i could take a blade and run it across my skin, deep enough to draw blood. That i was so angry, so upset, so lost that it was the easiest thing to do. To make the internal pain physical. To have something to show the world- here is the proof that i suffer. A cry for help of sorts- i was very good at getting help, i couldn't keep it to myself for very long. There were people i felt safe with, safe enough to trust they would emphatize and still sit with me at lunch.
I read a postsecret last week about someone who has stopped cutting but misses it. I know how it feels. Sometimes when it hurts real bad inside i wish i could just let it out, bleed it out a bit. Im too vain though, the scars look ugly and i wear short sleeves to work. Now I worry that people on my psyc placement would notice the old scars and what they might think.
There's something about sufjan steven's haunting, clear voice singing the sad, scary lyrics with the soothing, almost calming banjo music.
Have a good christmas.
Then it comes and it goes
and i cant make it home
and there's nothing at home
and it breaks me when it goes
Jadikan aku cewek terhebat!!
Minggu ini diilhamkan oleh Ben Gibbard yang kini kurus, svelte dan oh-so-cool.
Lagu-lagu Sheila on 7 memberi semangat untuk bekerja keras dan mencapai cita-cita
SO7 reminds me a little like DCFC- dua-duanya band indie, tema lagu-lagunya sama: love, relationships, living life dan also member kedua-dua band agak nerd gitu, tidaklah macam super good looking atau super-kakkoii, down to earth dan relate-able.
Kedua-dua nama band juga agak wierd. Pelik, tapi chomel.
Mungkin SO7 lebih sikit happy dan pop berbanding DCFC.
Apa-apa pun, saya 'heart' dua-dua band!
It's a great version of a really sad song. Kinda reflects the wierdly introspective but static mood i've been in the past few days.
As far as i can pick up, with my rubbish spanish the lyrics are fairly there.
I feel strangely mentally lethargic. I cant seem to inspire interest in anything. My attempt to spice my life up is to spend money on music and dvds, search ebay for kendo equipment and makeup brushes and obsess about my weight and skin condition. Then i sleep.
But everyday is like a record on repeat- im just going round and round, going through the motions. The music is good but it's getting boring.
But I found this, so it cant be too bad. So what if my world crumbles around my ears and the party tomorrow flops- i'll live to suffer the shame and humiliation.
It will be bad, but it cant be worse than a VIP ticket to hell, no?
If you cant stand the kermit voice, listen to the sad yet soothing elliot smith's original needle in the hay.
The video is kid of a piss take of the royal tenembaums where one of the sons attempts suicide. He lives to make out with his sister.
It's ok, she's adopted.
I was spotted by a mate on tv. There goes 0.7 seconds of my 15 minutes of fame.
Front-centre, woo hoo!!
Im almost there with the paper, im just not sure how much revision i can fit in after.
regrets are worth nothing- its energy and time wasted. so i will not regret, only learn and hope that once and for all i will be wise in the art of studying early for exam. Wisdom is something i preach, but dont practise.
I'll go back to the essay.
Magic from the mundane.
It's my secret, hopeful optimism wrapped up in a superstitious, embittered hard shell.